Friday, October 24, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week called Pumpkin, Pumpkin.  It is about a boy who plants pumpkin seeds and watches them grow into a pumpkin.  We practiced a lot with sequencing the story as well as the poem Jack-O-Lantern.  We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- observe, enormous, patient, and scoop.  
We are on book 4 Pirates Past Noon in the Magic Tree House books. They are really enjoying them!

Jolly Phonics 
We learned about the letters "l" and "f".  Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters.  We added 2 popcorn words- me and am.  Please practice the popcorn words at home. :) We did 2 sight word books this week- I am Helping and Backyard Camping- see if your child can read them to you. :)

We started topic 4 on comparing the numbers 0-10.  We did math centers this week that had a lot of practicing with pumpkins and numbers.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We practiced the capital and lowercase d and a in handwriting this week.  We got to do some fun Halloween crafts this week with the power outage- no computers=spider, ghost, and candy corn crafts!  They will look great decorating the hallway for the Halloween party tonight! :)
We also made a star student book for Caden S. since he was our star student this week. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy the warmth!
Next week is conference week- I look forward to discussing your child's progress with you so far in kindergarten.  Friday, October 31 is the Halloween parade and party- parade is at 1:45 and the parties in the classroom start at 2:00.  Send whatever your child needs for their costume with them on Friday.  They will have time to change into their costumes before the parade.

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: