Friday, May 30, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week called A Porcupine named Fluffy.  It was a fun story about a porcupine who gets named Fluffy and he doesn't understand why he is named Fluffy when he is anything but fluffy!   It was cute and the students enjoyed it.  We learned some new vocab words - pleased, soggy, kind, and unkind.  Ask them if they remember what they mean. :) During daily 5 this week we worked on ABC order, sorting sentences and writing them, and sorting verbs and nouns.  They did really well with all of these!

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on short "u" this week.  We finished our popcorn words last week and I finished testing all the students on how many popcorn words they knew.  Please practice at home the words in your popcorn book this summer.  Some students still have trouble with the longer, harder words.

This week we did centers again that all had to do with golf.  There was a missing number activity, addition activity, subtraction activity, and adding 3 numbers.  The students had fun with these.  Mrs. Riadi came in and  pulled the kids in small groups to work on math facts and fluency especially with subtraction.  She will continue with this next week too and it will be her last week helping us out in math.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We did a writing activity in our journal about their favorite thing to do outside for outside day, while writing outside!  We worked on letter i and e in the handwriting book.  We did a self portrait of ourselves today for fun- these were great to look at! :)

       **The students have enjoyed the ABC's of school this week.  Next week, Tuesday is sunglasses day- so if they have sunglasses to wear to school they are allowed to. :)Wednesday is team spirit day- so any sports teams you want to have them wear is great!  Friday is video day so they picked to watch the Lion King next Friday.  

**Thursday, June 5 is our zoo field trip.  An information sheet is going home today for you to look over.  Please just make sure to send your child with a sack lunch- a bag that can be thrown out after they are done eating and that they are dressed appropriately.  Hopefully we will have great weather like we have had this past week- but who knows??  Keeping fingers crossed!**

**Jim Gill did a concert for the kindergarteners today and was he fun!!  They loved it!  He is playing this summer at Indian Prairie Library- so if you want to go on his website to check out his schedule I am sure you would love it!  Jim Gill concert schedule

 **Remember snack should be healthy, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  Enjoy the summer-like weather again!
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read another non fiction book this week called Building Beavers.  It was all about the how beavers build their dams and lodges and about beavers.  The students learned some cool facts about them!   We learned some new vocab words - wide, clear, construct, and structure.  Ask them if they remember what they mean. :) During daily 5 this week we worked on some fun games practicing popcorn words again.  I am now testing the students on how many popcorn words they know from the 95 they have been taught this year.

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on the word family "um" this week.  We added four new popcorn words this week- "black", "orange", "white" and "brown". That is the end of the popcorn words for the year- 95 of them!  I told the students they can keep their popcorn books at home now to practice at home- please practice! :)

This week we did centers again.  They were practicing adding and subtracting in different ways and some measuring activities.  Mrs. Riadi came in and has been pulling the kids one by one to work on math facts and fluency especially with subtraction.  She will continue with this next week too.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We did some writing assessments this week, wrote and drew about something we imagined for imagination day, and for letter day we wrote a nice letter to someone we care about.  These were cute to read. :)  We did a flower craft today that will be hanging up in the room until school is out.

       **The students have enjoyed the ABC's of school this week.  They got to watch The Nut Job for kids choice movie day.  They had fun with that one!  Next week, Tuesday is Neon and Neatness day- so if you have anything neon for them to wear that would be great. :)  Everything else is in school.

**Remember there is no school on Monday due to the Memorial Day observance.**

**Thanks to the Hines family for donating glue sticks this week!**

 **Remember snack should be healthy, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, long weekend!  Enjoy the summer-like weather!
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, May 16, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read another non fiction book this week called the Moon.  It was all about the moon.  The students had a great time learning about it.  We did some neat demonstrations on how the moon and Earth rotate around the sun.  They had fun and learned some cool new facts about the moon.  We learned some new vocab words - visible, entire, remarkable, and future.  Ask them if they remember what they mean. :) During daily 5 this week we worked on 2 fun games practicing popcorn words.  I have been working hard on testing them to see where their DRA level is.  :)  I finished up and moved around levels on Raz kids website so their levels match where they are reading at.

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on the word families -ug and -un this week.  We added four new popcorn words this week- "blue", "yellow", "red" and "pink". Please keep practicing- there are a ton of words!

This week we did some centers.  They were practicing adding and subtracting in different ways to end on 10, discussing if number sentences are true or false and how to make them true if they are false, practicing different patterns, and using some manipulatives to add and subtract.

Writing/ Handwriting 
I hope the moms enjoyed their Mother's Day book and card we made for them!  We wrote a sentence and drew a picture about Joshua since he was our star student this week.  He is our last star student for the year!  Thanks to Joshua's dad for being our guest reader and bringing in treats for it as well!  The students loved it! :)

       **The students have enjoyed the ABC's of school this week.  Next week- it is all in school- so no need to send them wearing anything or bringing anything to school.**

**Zoo field trip permission slips were sent home this week- I will let chaperones know next week if they are coming with us or not. :)**
**We also discovered a fun website to do brain breaks called in case your child is asking about it- they love it!**

**Thanks to the Idhe family for donating glue sticks this week!**

 **Remember snack should be healthy, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, May 9, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read another non fiction book this week Getting Around By Plane.  It was all about how planes get around and what makes up the parts of a plane.  The students liked learning all about the planes!  We learned some new vocab words - travel, transportation, land, and depart.  They had fun discussing how they relate to these words.  During daily 5 this week we worked on a popcorn word packet that had them creating graphs and making tally marks with the popcorn words.  I have been working hard on testing them to see where their DRA level is.  :)

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on the short "o" this week.  We did some fun short "o" activities including an octopus!  We added four new popcorn words this week- "pretty", "funny", "under" and "find". Please keep practicing- there are a ton of words now!

This week we did centers again.  They were mostly different ways to add or subtract numbers.  A few games with partners and then some independent work too.  I also had everyone take our mixed addition and subtraction timed test today for fun, even if they have not passed out of the addition or subtraction ones!  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We worked very hard on a special Mother's Day book for all the moms!  We also wrote a sentence about why we like Diezel since he was our star student this week.  

       This week we started the ABC days of school- counting down the last days of school.  There is a sheet in their folder to tell you what we are doing each day.  Next week- the only day you need to worry about is hat day on Friday.:)

Thanks to all the people who donated something or time for Teacher Appreciation Week!  The lunch everyday was delicious! :)  The presents, flowers, and cards from the students each day was so sweet!  So, thanks! :)     

**Thanks to the Dunaj family for donating glue sticks this week!**

 **Remember snack should be healthy, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone line has been set up in my room and the number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  Sounds like it will be a great Mother's Day weekend! 
 Happy Mother's Day!
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read another non fiction book this week A Tiger Cub Grows Up.  It was all about how a baby tiger grows and becomes an adult.  The students found it interesting!  We learned some new vocab words - wild, tame, creep, and pounce.  They had fun acting these words out!  During daily 5 this week we making our popcorn words with play-doh, the students always love working with play-doh!

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on the word family -ock this week.  We added four new popcorn words this week- "was",  "saw", "are" and "well". Please keep practicing- there are a ton of words now!

This week we worked on a few different games using dice that focused on addition and subtraction. We also took our mixed addition and subtraction timed test.  We will continue with these until the end of the year to work on fluency of math facts with the students.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We worked on some handwriting pages this week.  We worked on lower case a and d.  We also wrote a sentence about why we like Christine since she was our star student this week.  We created a flower person with a poem today for our craft!  They look great!

  A couple pictures from our field trip yesterday! :)  The students had a lot of fun!

**Thanks to the Rinaldi and Dobson families for donating glue sticks this week!**

 **Remember snack should be healthy, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone line has been set up in my room and the number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Let's hope it gets warmer and stops raining for the weekend!

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: