Friday, May 27, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week What Do You Do with A Tail Like This?  This is a cool story about unique animal parts or tails that do different things.  We also read a couple stories that were similar- What Would You Do if you had Animal Teeth or Animal Hair?  These were fun to learn about and discuss!

Jolly Phonics 
 We finished all the jolly phonics and all 95 popcorn words for the year!  We learned our last word family this week too- ug.  Please continue to practice using and spelling the popcorn words over the summer- have them write sentences using the popcorn words. :)

  We finished up math centers this week and did some more practice with completing number sentences to 10.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We finished sharing our stories and they were very cute!  We made a cute zebra craft today that they are coming with in honor of the zoo field trip next week! :)

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch that can all be thrown away on Tuesday, May 31.  Chaperones will be holding the lunches in a bag until they eat lunch.**

**The students did a great job at the musical last night and the poetry cafe this morning!  I hope you enjoyed it!  They worked really hard the past 2 weeks practicing for both! :)**

This is my last blog for the year!  I hope you all have a wonderful summer!  It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year- they have grown so much and are ready for first grade!!

 Have a great weekend!  Happy Memorial Day!

Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, May 6, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a couple stories this week Rainbow Fish and Sharks.  Rainbow Fish is a great story about friendships and sharing.  The Shark book was a fun book to read some cool facts about sharks.  We compared and contrasted sharks and fish.  We made a fun rainbow fish craft today as well.  We also made a class book stating what we share well.

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -og family.  We also learned the popcorn words pretty, funny, under, and find.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We are working on addition and subtraction now.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp adding or subtracting numbers up to 10, making caterpillars to match addition sentences, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and putting in order numbers from least to greatest, dice book addition sentences up to 12, addition up to 10 and counting by 5's, and rainy day addition and rainbows writing numbers before and after.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now. We have been focusing on writing in our journals now where we are writing 2-3 sentences and a picture to match the journal. :)  We are sharing these as well- they are fun to listen to!

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Sent home today are field trip permission forms and parent volunteers for the field trip to the zoo on Tuesday, May 31.  Please return as soon as possible. Thanks!**

**Please return the sheets for the poetry cafe on May 27 from 8:30-9:15.  We need to have a number of how many people will be attending so we can plan accordingly. :)  If you need another sheet just let me know and I will send one home with your child.  Thanks!**

 Have a great weekend!  Happy Mother's Day!!

Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week Hey, Little Ant.  This is a fun book about an ant and a kid and it does not have an ending- the students got to pick the ending of the story today during our craft.  They had to decide if the boy should squish the ant or not and give a reason why or why not. It was fun! :)

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -op family.  We also learned the popcorn words came, make, ate, and ride.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We are working on addition and subtraction now.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp adding numbers up to 10, roll 2 or 3 dice and add the numbers together to have a chick get to the chocolate bar first, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and filling in the missing number of 3 numbers, making bubble bonds up to 5, making an addition number sentence book with fruit, and constructing numbers from 1-100 with tens and ones.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now. We finished our second story and will be sharing them with the class now.  I hope many of you were able to read it at open house last night.  They are cute and they have come a long way with their writing.  We have been doing some journals this week too- what they did over the weekend, what is their favorite thing to do in the summer, etc..

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Remember- our field trip to the Children's Museum is next Friday, April 29.  The children will be eating lunch when we get back from the field trip which will be after lunch here at school, so please send them with a sack lunch that day.  No hot lunch will be served for kindergarten.  We will be eating a snack before we leave in the morning, so make sure to pack a snack as well- otherwise they will be hungry on the field trip.**

 Looks like another beautiful weekend!  Hope you can enjoy it! :)
Happy Spring!
Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, April 8, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week From Seed to Plant.  It is a non-fiction book that the students enjoyed learning about this week. :)

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -ip family.  We also learned the popcorn words say, away, play, and they.  We will be learning 4 words every week till the end of the year now.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We have started our focus this week on addition.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp adding numbers up to 10, addition and subtraction using gumballs, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and answering addition problems, counting sticks in bundles in the teens, making an addition number sentence book, and writing the 3 numbers that come after a random number.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now.  We have just one more personal narrative story left to share.  We are almost done with our second story and they are coming along great!  We will share those as well.  We made a craft today labeling the parts of a flower.  They are hanging outside our room.

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Remember- early dismissal day is next Wednesday, April 13- the students will not eat lunch here and are dismissed at 11:00**

Have a great weekend!  
Happy Spring!
Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, March 18, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read St. Patrick's Day books this week.  We even got to draw a leprechaun- they did really well and liked it!

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -in family.  We also learned the popcorn words do, all, and there.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We focused this week on measurement and graphing.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp adding numbers up to 10, folder games on measurement, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and making addition sentences up to 10, putting shamrocks in order from the shortest to longest, place value of 10-20 tens and ones, and adding and subtracting numbers.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now.  We finished our personal narrative book and are in the process of sharing them- so far they are really cute.  As they share them, I will send them home.  We have started another narrative focusing on adding more detail to our illustrations and written part of the story.

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**No school next Friday, March 25 and the start of Spring Break- class resumes on April 4**

**We had our first full class of students this week so let's hope we are done with the flu!**

Have a great weekend!  
Happy Spring!
Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a bunch of Dr. Seuss books this week in honor of his birthday- March 2.  We did some fun crafts and activities with the stories as well.

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -ed family.  We also learned the popcorn words this, that, and new.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We focused this week on Dr. Seuss math- a variety of activities!  We did math centers where the students had to stamp adding numbers up to 10, a tic-tac-toe game, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and finding consecutive numbers, an addition fish bowl, connect the dot, and sorting and graphing goldfish.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now.  We are finishing up our personal narrative book.  We will get those finished next week and share them.

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Remember- no school tomorrow, March 4 due to a teacher institute day.**

**Please remember to keep your children home from school until they are 100% better and symptom-free from any illnesses- I can't remember the last time we had a full class!  I got the flu last week as well! :(**

Have a great, long weekend!  
Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, February 19, 2016

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week-If I Were President.  This is a fun story about a kid as president.  The students had fun imagining what they would do if they were president. :).  The students learned some new vocabulary with the story: preserve, protect, defend, mansion, speech, and comfort.

Jolly Phonics 
 We have finished all the jolly phonics sounds so we are now focusing on word families- this week we learned about the -et family.  We also learned the popcorn words one, two, and three.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We focused this week on positional words using shapes.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp with numbers 16-20, games about shapes, math games on the i-pad, walking around the room and making a number sentence, a shape book, a shape necklace, and another shape game with positional words in it.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We have finished the handwriting book and are focusing on writing now.  We started a personal narrative book this week.  I sent home the journal writing we had done from the past couple months.  These were just individual writings like journal writing, now we are writing a book!  We made some President crafts today that are hanging in the room- they are really cute!

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**Snowflake Ball is this Saturday, February 20.  Tickets were sent home yesterday for those people who signed up for it.  Have fun!**

Have a great weekend!  Enjoy the spring-like temperatures!
Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: