Friday, March 7, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

It was Dr. Seuss week here in kindergarten!  The students had a lot of fun dressing wacky and reading lots of Dr. Seuss books.  We learned about Dr. Seuss in our Weekly Reader this week too.  All of our morning work had to do with Dr. Seuss and some of his books.  We did a green eggs and ham craft today as well.

Jolly Phonics 
We focused on the word families -it and -in  this week.  We added three new popcorn words this week- "this",  "that", and "new". 

We practiced adding and subtracting number sentences this week.  The students seem to really understand the concept of making a number sentence by putting manipulatives together or taking them apart.  Subtraction is a little more challenging than addition.  But we will continue to master those.  We took our first addition timed test this afternoon on +0.  We will be doing those weekly to practice fluency of addition sentences.  After we do all the way to +5, we will start subtraction fluency tests.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We wrote and drew a picture about Emily this week since she was our star student.

**Thanks to the Rinaldi, Yurchak, and Hines families for donating pencils and glue sticks-  I think we should be good until the end of the year!  Thanks so much!!**

**Remember spring ahead this weekend!  I think everyone is happy for that after the winter we have had!**

 **Remember snack should be healthy , such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!

 My phone line has been set up in my room and the number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.

  Have a great weekend!  

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: