Friday, November 8, 2019

Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!

This will be a weekly reminder of what is coming up in the following week.  I will send it out as an email to the parents on Fridays.

General reminders:
1.  Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child.  Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3.  Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.

This is what we will be working on the for the week of November 11-15!

Next week, we will be working on vowel letters ei and ie.  Generally, i is before e, except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh.  The test will be Friday, November 15.

We have done some journal writing this week in place of SEL lessons.  They have been fun to listen to and share!

 We have been practicing answering text dependent questions and diving deeper into the story we read Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King. We will be working on cause and effect next week as well as continuing with the text dependent question answers.

Social Studies/Science:
We were introduced to the Southeast region today in Social Studies.  The students have homework on the Southeast map that is due on Tuesday, November 12 and their quiz on the states in the Southeast will be on Friday, November 15.  Some students will need to finish their Northeast map over the weekend as well.  I wanted to hang up their bones we did in class last week for science but the windows in the class have screens, so I couldn't hang them up!  Hopefully they could enjoy them at home. :)  We started learning about converters in science this week too, will continue with that next week.

This week we did some fun journal entries to fill in for the SEL time.  Next week, we will be learning about how to handle conversations and compliments.

Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:
  Today we took the Unit 2 test.  I will have those back to the students on Monday.  Hopefully the extra day was helpful to the students to prepare them for the test.  I had a lot of students come in for extra help during recess. :)  Unit 3 we will start next week on fractions.

Important Info:

Next week we have our Veteran's Day assembly on Monday.  Fourth grade is asked to wear white on Monday, November 11.
Thank you to all the Veterans out there!

Have a great weekend!