Friday, December 5, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- Me and My Family Tree.  It is all about families and who is in everyone's family.  The students enjoyed it.  We made a family tree book that the students will be bringing home today to share with you.  We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- family tree, cousins and related.  
We enjoyed hearing about the special things that the students brought in to share with the class.

Jolly Phonics 
We learned about the letters "w" and "v" and "z" last week.  Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters.  We added 2 popcorn words- "little" and "and".  Last week they learned the popcorn words "into" and "for".  Please practice the popcorn words at home. :) 

We are now learning in topic 6 about numbers to 100.  This includes writing, saying, counting and recognizing patterns in all these numbers.  This is definitely a more challenging topic than we have had before.  So, please look over the math pages that come home and make sure your child understands what is on it.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We practiced the capital and lowercase j and q in handwriting this week.  We made snowy owls today for a craft- they had fun making handprints for wings.  They are hanging up outside the classroom. :)
We are continuing to work on writing and the students are really enjoying trying to write and create short stories.  It is fun sharing their pictures and stories.
We made a book for Paul since he was the star student this week.


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and break! 
Have a great weekend!

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: