Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!
This will be a weekly reminder of what is coming up in the following week. I will send it out as an email to the parents on Fridays.
General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child. jolsen@ccsd66.org
This is what we will be working on for the week of March 9-13, 2020!
We will have a new list of words next week. They will be focusing on relative adverbs and pronouns and reading content words. A whole variety of 4th grade words! Our test will be Friday, March 13.
We read a story entitled The Grandfather's Journey. We practiced reading comprehension questions with this story and also did practice with a written response question using the RACES format we have been working on all year. We will be moving into the novel Edward Tulane next week. This is a great story about a journey!
Social Studies/Science:
State look books are finished! The grade will go into their trimester 2 report card, however, I am going to hold onto the books to display for Open House in April. They will get them back after Open House.
We are almost done with the unit on Energy in Ergstown. We finished this week by writing another design argument for the Mayor of Ergstown persuading him to either get solar panels or wind turbines for more energy for Ergstown. Next week we will be wrapping up this unit.
This week we focused on solving problems, we will continue work with this concept next week.
Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:
We did well on the checkpoint this week. We will be finishing up unit 5 next week. We have a tentative unit 5 test date for Monday, March 16. Look for the study guide to come home next Thursday or Friday. If the test changes from Monday I will let you know.
Important Info:
Thursday, March 12 is a SIP day, so students will be dismissed at 11:00 and no lunch will be served.
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the spring temperatures!