Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!
This will be a weekly reminder of what is coming up in the following week. I will send it out as an email to the parents on Fridays.
General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child. jolsen@ccsd66.org
This is what we will be working on for the week of March 2-6, 2020!
We will have a new list of words next week. They will be focusing on homographs. Our test will be Friday, March 6.
We started unit 2 this week on journeys. We had some great discussion about what makes a journey. Most of the students talked about vacations or trips. We got more deep too and had great in depth conversations! This will be a great unit to end out the year!
Social Studies/Science:
We are hard working on our state look books! The students got a lot of it done in school and can finish up anymore of it this weekend. They are due Tuesday, March 3, they will present them to the class to try to guess which state is theirs. Please have them practice with you at home and check over their slide shows- this made a huge difference in their last presentation compared to their first presentation.
In science, we redesigned our wind turbines after reviewing and getting ideas from peers in the class. We still did not have much luck- but this is a good lesson for them to see that engineers have to plan, design, test, and redesign over and over until they get it to work. It is a hard job. Next week we will have some time to create another design argument for some more criteria the mayor of Ergstown is presenting to us.
Next week we will focus on solving problems, we will work on this concept for a couple weeks.
Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:
We are powering through unit 5 and have been working hard on identifying polygons and their attributes for each polygon, comparing them to each other as well. I sent home today a red or orange sheet with items they will need to know for a checkpoint we will have on Tuesday, March 3. We will do a review on Monday for it but wanted to give you all a heads up on what will be on it. They finished their homework in class today so I figured they can look over that this weekend to be better prepared for Tuesday.
Important Info:
No school tomorrow Friday, February 28 due to a teacher institute.
Have fun tonight if you are heading to Panther-Palooza!
Have a great, long weekend!