Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.
January 22-25 News!
We will be working next week on some more greek roots- micro, hydra, astro, hydro/hydra, and path. Our test will be Friday, January 25. We have our winner, Bailey Loos and runner up, Gianna Caruso that advanced to the spelling bee for 4th grade from our class! Congrats and good luck to both of them!
We started our profiles in courage project this week. The students have been working hard on their projects this week. We will start to present these on Tuesday, January 22. This gives the students time to rehearse and finish up any final details over the long weekend. This will conclude our first unit on courage. We will start our next unit on journeys! Lots of fun things to come in this unit!
Social Studies/Science:
We wrote our design argument in science supporting the claim that the streetlights should all be changed to LED lights to prevent future blackouts in Ergstown! :) We read today about the Civil War in Social Studies and how it started in the southeast states. We conclude the southeast with this and will then move onto the midwest section of the United States.
We started work on measurement this week. We also took our MAPS test. We will be finishing up unit 4 in the next couple weeks. Our unit 4 test will be the week of January 28- will let you know as it gets closer.
Important Info:
No school- Monday, January 21 (MLK Day)
Friday, January 25- District PTO Trivia Night
Thursday, January 31- early dismissal- 11:00 am
Have a great, long weekend!
Mrs. Olsen