Friday, January 11, 2019

Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

General reminders:
1.  Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child.  Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3.  Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.

 January 14-18 News!

  We will be working next week on some more greek roots. Our test will be Friday, January 18.  We will also be practicing for the school spelling bee today and next week.

We completed our mythology unit and the students presented their myth project this week.  They did a great job on these and will get their grades on them today.  We will then be starting a new project where they pick a courageous person and do a profile on that person.  I will introduce it today and they will be working on that next week.

Social Studies/Science:
  We are learning in science about how to support a claim and use evidence to come up with a solution.  The students also had to use criteria to support their claim for the solution.  Lots of new science vocabulary we have been learning in our energy unit!  We have learned about the Cherokee tribe in Social Studies who lived in the southeast.  We will finish up the southeast section of the United States in the next week and move onto the midwest.

We have been working hard on addition and subtraction strategies this week.  We took a short 5 question graded paper this week to see how well they are using the strategies to answer subtraction problems.  The students did well on it.  Next week we will start more work on measurement.

Important Info:
No school- Monday, January 21
Friday, January 25- District PTO Trivia Night
Thursday, January 31- early dismissal- 11:00 am 

Have a great  weekend!
Mrs. Olsen