Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!
We read a story this week called Whistle for Willie. It is about a little boy who really wants to whistle for his dog but can't do it. The students could relate to this a lot because some of them can whistle and some cannot. We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- determined, proud, scramble, and whirl.
Jolly Phonics
We learned about the letters "e" and "h". Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters. We added 2 popcorn words- big and my. We did a popcorn word book today like last week- we highlighted the popcorn words and practiced reading the book- see how well your child can read the book to you.
We are still working on topic 2. The students are getting good at counting and comparing numbers between 0-5. We did math centers this week again and the students are doing well with them. Next week we will add another part to math centers- computers.
Writing/ Handwriting
We practiced the capital and lowercase i in handwriting this week. We did a journal on what and how your whistle would look like. :)
I had the students empty their blue folders (these have unfinished papers in them) this week and clean out desks! They were getting pretty messy! (Not all of the students- but many of them!) So, if you see a lot of unfinished papers, those are papers, mostly morning work, that were not finished and you are more than welcome to work on them at home. They do not need to come back. I will try to do this each week so you will not have as many as you did today. :)
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen
Some great websites for the students to do at home are: