Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!
We did not read a story this week. We worked on making Valentines for a retirement home, read some Valentine books and did 100 day activities. We did daily 5 each day and our rotations had to do with 100 days or Valentine's Day.
Jolly Phonics
We added the word families "-at" and "-an" this week. We practiced sounding out and rhyming with these word families. We added three new popcorn words this week- "will", "have", and "must". We have been reading some of our sight word books together and the students are really able to read a lot of words. Hopefully you are seeing this at home too! :)
We practiced some more on adding numbers together and how to make number sentences, as well as subtracting numbers. We also did centers this week on adding and subtracting numbers, sequencing numbers from 1-100, and playing shape bingo.
Writing/ Handwriting
We wrote a sentence and drew a picture about Chase since she was our star student this week. We also decorated our Valentine bags.
**Remember there is no school on Monday, February 17 in honor of President's Day.**
** Thanks to all the parents who volunteered at our Valentine party, whether it was sending in treats or helping out at the party! The students had a great time! :) **
**Reminder- Read to Success reading logs that were sent home in the fall for Six Flags tickets are due February 24.**
**Remember snack should be healthy , such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or crackers. If you are sending a juice, make sure it is 100% juice.** Thanks!
My phone line has been set up in my room and the number is 783-5218. Email I will get to the quickest if you need to reach me.
Have a great, long weekend!
Mrs. Olsen
Some great websites for the students to do at home are: