Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!
This will be a weekly reminder of what is coming up in the following week. I will send it out as an email to the parents on Fridays.
General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.
This is what we will be working on the for the weeks of December 9-13!
We will be taking 2 weeks off from spelling. We have 2 weeks that have field trips, a SIP day and we are ahead of the other 4th grade teachers spelling lists. So, I am giving the students a spelling break! I am sure they will be happy about that, as well as, parents! We will start up when we get back in January from holiday break.
We finished up our work on Martin Luther King last week and have started learning about Lou Gehrig. We will continue with this next week. He was a very courageous and humble man. We will be practicing more extended response questions using the RACE strategy too.
Social Studies/Science:
We have finished up Chapter 6 in Social Studies. I will give the students a study guide today to take home to study from. The test will be on Wednesday, December 11. Along with the study guide is a vocab sheet we have been filling out, you can use this to help with the study guide. If the students know the information on the study guide they will do fine on the test. In science, we have written a design argument together to send to the Mayor of Ergstown. We will continue practicing different ways and ideas to come up with solving the blackout issues in Ergstown.
This week we learned about showing compassion. We practiced different scenarios and what we would do or how we would show compassion in these scenarios. Next week, we will be learning about emotion management.
Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:
We have learned about decimals this week. They are doing a great job understanding them. We have practiced how to make a fraction into a decimal and vice versa when in the tenths or hundredths place. I sent home a practice sheet for the checkpoint we will have on Monday, December 9. I also sent home a study guide. Please make sure you look at both those yellow sheets to help you with preparing for the checkpoint on Monday.
Important Info:
Tuesday, December 10 is an early dismissal day- we will end at 11:00- no lunch that day.
Thursday, December 12 is our school wide field trip to the Tivoli Theater to see The Polar Express! Looking forward to it!
Have a great weekend!