Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!
This will be a weekly reminder of what is coming up in the following week. I will send it out as an email to the parents on Fridays.
General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.
This is what we will be working on the for the week of October 15-18!
This week we will be working on the suffixes -ness, -less, and -en. We will be practicing and learning these words throughout the week. The test will be Friday, October 18.
We finished up our first unit in English this week. The students reviewed and we have our unit 1 test on Tuesday, October 15. We will start today- Free Write Friday- the students will get time to write whatever they want and share if they want with the class. They can do a journal, a story, or anything they feel like writing about. They are excited for this!
We will be starting our new unit on Courage next week. We will be reading a story entitled Happy Birthday Dr. King. We will dig in deep to the story and theme within the story.
Social Studies/Science:
We took our chapter 4 test today. We will learn about the people of the Northeast next week in Social Studies. We also have started our first unit in science on Energy. I forgot to update you on this, but we have been doing it the past couple weeks. The students have become engineers and are trying to figure out why the city of "Ergstown" is having so many blackouts! Ask your child if they know any new vocab words from science.
We have been learning about being empathetic to people who have similarities and differences than us. You should have seen a purple flyer come home yesterday about some examples of having similar and different feelings in scenarios they were presented.
Mrs. Olsen's Math Class:
We have started unit 2 on multiplication and division using arrays. We really dived into it today and I think some the of students might still be a little confused. A few students have come in for extra help at recess, please express to your child if they are not understanding to please come in and get some extra help and practice from me. :)
Important Info:
Band started this week, please make sure your child knows what they missed in class and makes up the work for it!
October 14- No school in observance of Columbus Day.
October 17- My class has earned their first Marble Party! I will be ordering pizza and showing a movie on that day, so if your child does not like pizza make sure they bring a lunch to eat with us. If anyone wants to send a $1 in with their child to help with the expense of the pizza it will be greatly appreciated! :)
Have a great weekend!