Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.
March 11 - March 15 News!
Our spelling words next week have the oi and oy letters in each of the words. Our test will be Friday, March 15.
We are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. The students are enjoying the book and we have been doing some open ended questions for more practice in writing while reading the story. We will continue having a quiz that you have probably seen come home after every 2 chapters in the book.
Social Studies/Science:
We will be working on a Look Book for a state in the Midwest next week. We will also be learning about the Ojibwe Native American group in Chapter 9. In science we have planned out and designed wind turbines and have had some round table discussions with the class on if installing wind turbines or solar panels will be beneficial to the town of Ergstown.
Unit 5 test is Tuesday, March 12. We did the study guide today in class with a partner and they are bringing it home with their pre-assessment they took at the beginning of the unit. They can see the improvements they made throughout the unit. We do not have math next Monday, so I told the students if they want any extra help to come see me on Monday for recess to help before the test. So, go through things this weekend to see what needs to be practiced. Unit 6 we will start next week on multiplication and division strategies.
Important Info:
March 11- our class is going to Oak Trace Senior Living Community to read and play games with the senior citizens! Remember to send with your child a bag of 3 picture books and some games or coloring to do with a senior. :)
March 13- our field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry- make sure to send your child with a lunch that is completely disposable. make sure to dress appropriately with clothing and shoes for the day.
March 20- we have an author visiting us- Tom Watson- he is the author of the stick dog and cat books.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen