Mrs. Olsen's 4th Grade Blog

General reminders:
1. Binders should come back and forth to school everyday with your child. Please check their binders for homework.
2. Make sure chromebooks are charged before coming to school everyday.
3. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns you have with your child.
This is what we will be working on for the first week of October!
Our spelling words next week will be words with the suffixes -ed and -ing. The vocab words will also have -ed and -ing suffixes. The test is Friday, October 5.
We finished up unit 1 on what is a sentence? I worked with the students who got a D or lower to bring up their grade a little bit. I have a few more students who will retake a part of their test today to help bring up their grade. So, you will see those tests come home on Monday. They will have crossed out grades and stapled the retake part to them if they had the chance to bring their grade up a little. Sorry for the delay on those!
We are still working in our unit Courage next week. We talked about theme this week and how to find the theme in a story. Next week we will read a story Happy Birthday Martin Luther King! We will do some fun activities with this story.
Social Studies/Science:
The students did pretty well on their first Social Studies test. We will be reading a little more and doing some activities on the people of the northeast next week. We will then finish up the northeast by starting our map of the northeast. This will end up being a completed map as we go through learning about each region of the United States.
We did a couple lessons on linear measurement this week before starting unit 2. We will really start unit 2 on multi-digit multiplication next week. We took a pre-assessment today to see how much they know before diving into the unit.
Important Info:
Movie Night is tonight from 6:30-8:45- if you are going enjoy Paddington 2!
Picture Retakes are Tuesday, October 2.
Band schedules were sent out today for our class, please look for your child's schedule in their binder.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Olsen