Friday, September 25, 2015

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week- Whistle for Willie.  This is a cute story about a little boy who can't whistle and he really wants to learn how to!  We did some practicing of whistling as well!  We learned some new words with the story: whirl, scramble, determined, and proud.

Jolly Phonics 
  This week we learned the letters e and and the actions that go with them.  Ask your child what sounds they make and what actions go with those sounds. :).  We also learned the popcorn words big and my.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We learned how to compare and contrast numbers, such as, greater than and less than.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp with numbers and tally marks, roll a dice and write the number and dots, match numbers with dots, numbers 0-5 write, trace, and cut in order, a number book using #1-10, games on the i-pad, and an activity where the students needed to find numbers and letters around the room.  We read a story today Everybody Counts.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We introduced the letter Ii in handwriting this week.  We read a story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and did a fun craft with it putting our name together and counting the amount of letters in our name.

**Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!**

**I should be getting the scholastic book orders next week and will distribute the books to your child when I get them.  I will send out another one for the month of October.**

**We got all the students into Starfall and Raz kids on their i pads.  The students should know which ones they are.  Raz kids is a picture of a robot and they can listen to books.  Everyone is at the same level right now, however, I can go in there and change the level of books they are to read at any time.  They also can move up levels as they finish reading and taking quizzes on the stories they read.  So, in the next couple weeks look for the levels to be changing as I get a better feel for where your child is reading at. :)  Starfall is a great app, it is a picture of a star and they can do math and reading games on it.  The kids all love it.  They got a chance to play it  this afternoon and really enjoyed it. :)**

Happy Fall!!

Have a great weekend!  
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room!

We read a story this week- Friends at School.  This is a great story about what students do at school.  We compared and contrasted things the students did in the book with what we do at school.  We learned some new words with the story as well: enjoy, gooey, container, and scrumptious.

Jolly Phonics 
  This week we learned the letters n and ck and the actions that go with them.  Ask your child what sounds they make and what actions go with those sounds. :).  We also learned the popcorn words in and see.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We learned and practiced writing the numbers 6-10 this week, as well as, looked closely at the number 0.  We did math centers where the students had to stamp with numbers, make numbers out of play-doh, race to trace dice game, birthday count and glue cakes, a number book using #1-5, games on the i-pad, and an activity where the students needed to find numbers around the room.  We read a story today Zero the Hero.  We did a fun craft with it and it is hanging in our classroom!

Writing/ Handwriting 
We finished pages in our handwriting book introducing the strokes we use to make our letters and introduced the letter L.  We also did a journal today to go with our Friends At School book.  They had to complete the sentence: I see_______________in my class, then draw a picture of what they see in their class.

Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!

I will put in the order for the books from scholastic book order soon- thanks to those of you who ordered. :)

Next week Thursday, September 24 is an early dismissal day- the students will be dismissed at 11:35 and will not eat lunch here.

Have a great weekend!  
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, September 11, 2015

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- My Friends.  This is a cute story about a little girl who learns different things from different friends.  The students loved the book!  We learned some new words with the story as well: companion, explore, creature, and imitate.

Jolly Phonics 
  This week we learned the letters i and and the actions that go with them.  Ask your child what sounds they make and what actions go with those sounds. :).  We also learned the popcorn word I.  Please practice the words at home. 

  We learned and practiced writing the numbers 1-5 this week.  We practiced doing some more math centers and calendar activities as well.  We read a story today Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.  We did a fun craft with it and it is hanging in our classroom!

Writing/ Handwriting 
We did a few pages in our handwriting book introducing the more strokes we use to make our letters.  We also did a journal today to go with our My Friends book.  They had to complete the sentence: I like to play _______________ with my friends, then draw a picture of what they like to do with their friends.

Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!

Remember to fill out the book order I sent home last week by next Friday if you want books. Thanks!

 Thanks to all of you who attended curriculum night!  :)

Have a great weekend!  
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, September 4, 2015

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- Me on the Map.  This is a cute story about a little girl who loves to draw maps.  We learned about all different types of maps.  We learned some new words with the story as well: state, country, town, and map.

Jolly Phonics 
  This week we learned the letters a and t; last week the letter s and the actions that go with them.  Ask your child what sounds they make and what actions go with those sounds. :).  We also learned the popcorn word a.  You saw the popcorn bag and instructions of how to keep the popcorn words at home and the bag in their green folder.  Thanks for following those directions.  Next week we will learn 2 popcorn words and every week after that.

  We learned and practiced writing the numbers 1-4 this week.  We practiced doing math centers and did calendar activities as well.  We read a story today by Eric Carle- The Very Hungry Caterpillar .  We did a fun name activity with a ten frame.  

Writing/ Handwriting 
We did a few pages in our handwriting book introducing the different strokes we use to make our letters.  We also did a journal today to go with our Me on the Map book.  They had to draw a map of their room- these came out really cute. :)

Please remember to send in a HEALTHY snack for your child- cookies and treats are not healthy snacks.  It needs to be fruits or vegetables preferably, otherwise crackers or something like that.  They are welcome to bring in a water bottle to drink during the day.  Please bring it filled, we do not fill water bottles during the day.  If they drink it all, then they can get water from the drinking fountain.  Thanks!

You will see in your child's folder a book order.  Feel free to order books and order on line please- a lot less of a hassle then collecting money and sending it in. :)  Thanks!

Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 8 from 6:00-7:00pm- I hope to see all of you there to learn more about your child's year in kindergarten! 

Have a great, long weekend!  
 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: