Friday, November 21, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- A Turkey for Thanksgiving.  It is about a turkey who gets invited to Thanksgiving dinner and not to be eaten like he thinks.  He is surprised and happy to join the animals for a dinner together.  We worked on sequencing the story too.  We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- Thanksgiving, hooves, lumbered, and riverbank.  
We are still on book 7 Sunset of the Sabertooth in the Magic Tree House books. They are really enjoying them!

Jolly Phonics 
We learned about the letters "ee" and "or" and how they make the long e and or sound in words.  Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters.  We added 2 popcorn words- too and ran.  Please practice the popcorn words at home. :) 

We are working hard on the teen numbers 11-20.  Please practice writing them at home, they are easy to mix up.  Our centers had to do with counting and writing numbers from 11-20 and turkeys for Thanksgiving.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We practiced the capital and lowercase g in handwriting this week and did a review page for the letters c, d, and e.  We made some cool turkeys that are hanging up in the room today.  
We started a writing unit this week, we have done a couple journal entries in our journals.  We are practicing making a picture about something important to us, labeling it and then writing about that picture.  The students really seem excited for this. :)
We also made a book for Esther since she was the star student this week.


**We had our representative, Mr. Cook, come in for Junior Achievement again today.  The students learned all about money and the different coins.  They had fun! **

Have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!  I will not be doing a blog next week since it is such a short week.  We will be doing Thanksgiving activities next week. :)

**Remember no school on Wednesday- Friday, November 26-28 of next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.**

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- From Seed to Pumpkin.  It is all about how a pumpkin seed becomes a pumpkin and the stages of the life cycle it goes through.  We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- moist, jagged,  sprawl, ripe and wither.  
We are on book 7 Sunset of the Sabertooth in the Magic Tree House books. They are really enjoying them!

Jolly Phonics 
We learned about the letters "oa" and "ie" and how they make the long o and i sound in words.  Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters.  We added 2 popcorn words- but and to.  Please practice the popcorn words at home. :) 

We finished up topic 4 on comparing the numbers 0-10.  We started topic 5 on the numbers 11-20.  Our centers this week did some practicing with counting and writing numbers from 11-20.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We practiced the capital and lowercase f in handwriting this week.  We did a thankful tree today for our craft. We also made a pumpkin life cycle paper plate that will come home with the children today.  The video we made this week from our craft last Friday is really cute and I will send it to you as soon as we finalize it.  I showed it to the students today, but some students speaking is really soft, so we might try to redo theirs so we can hear them better.  I will email it as soon as it is ready though. :)
We also made a book for Murtaza since he was the star student this week.


**We had a representative come in for Junior Achievement today.  He works for McDonalds and is volunteering his time to work with the students for the next few weeks teaching them about business and economics at a kindergarten level. :) **

I feel as if it is winter already with this weather!  I keep hearing Christmas songs on the radio too- it is not even Thanksgiving yet, but it seems like it is closer to Christmas than Thanksgiving!  
Have a great weekend- stay warm!

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Kindergarten News in Mrs.Olsen's Room! 

We read a story this week- The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin.     It is about a pumpkin who is square instead of round like the other pumpkins.  He ends up saving the other pumpkins during a storm and all the other pumpkins want to be like him. :) We learned some new vocabulary words that went with the story- rare, variety,  teased, and fright.  
We are on book 6 Afternoon on the Amazon in the Magic Tree House books. They are really enjoying them!

Jolly Phonics 
We learned about the letters "ai" and "ay" and how they make the long a sound in words.  Ask your child about the sounds and actions that go with those letters.  We added 2 popcorn words- is and can.  Please practice the popcorn words at home. :) 

We will be finishing up topic 4 on comparing the numbers 0-10 next week.  We continued working with ten frames and being able to identify numbers in the ten frame.  We did a couple math centers this week, it was hard to get too many in because of the short week.  But the ones we did were more practicing of decomposing numbers and counting numbers up into the teens.

Writing/ Handwriting 
We practiced the capital and lowercase e in handwriting this week.  We did a fun pumpkin craft and writing activity with the story Spookley.  I will be sending a video to you that we made with the pumpkins next week once we have it put together.  It should be really cute! :)


**We said goodbye to Alexis today as she will be moving this weekend to Lockport.  We will miss her and wish her the best in her new kindergarten class!  She will do great and make lots of new friends!**

I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween and enjoyed the long weekend!  It was a short week with only 3 days- went by fast!
Have a great weekend- stay warm!

 Mrs. Olsen 

 Some great websites for the students to do at home are: